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Where Will You Be in 50 Years?

So we all know that there are many amazing people in this group of 3,500 dedicated MUN students, but what will they all be doing in 50 years? Will they be a supreme court justice? Managing a tech company? Judging on the actual ICJ? This is a question we’d all love to know the answer to. To reassure you for the future, we have three examples of delegates who have really gone on to change the world.

#1: The King of the Netherland

As you all know, the King came to the opening ceremony to speak, but what you may not know is that he used to be a delegate at this very same THIMUN conference. How many of us will go on to be royalty? That we don’t know, but this proves it’s a possibility.

#2: The Washington Post’s Moscow Bureau Chief, Anton Troianovski

THIMUN is brimming with great writers and public speakers. Here is a delegate who went on to use those skills to work for a well-known newspaper. Have you ever dreamed of running a newspaper’s bureau? Now that you’ve come to THIMUN, maybe you can.

#3: President of the Billion Dollar Company Y-Combinator, Sam Altman

THIMUN teaches its delegates to be world leaders, and what better way to lead the world than by running a huge company? If this is your dream, you can make it happen now that you’ve come to THIMUN, as this is proof it’s been done.

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